A groundbreaking eco-educational project titled “Discover Plants with Tania” has commenced in Yerevan’s Botanical Garden. Dedicated to the memory of Tania Shishmanyan, a passionate advocate for nature, education, and volunteering, this project is being implemented by the “Friends of the Botanical Garden” NGO with financial support from the H. Hovnanian Family Foundation.
The initiative will revitalize a neglected 0.7-hectare area, creating evolutionary, sensory, and educational gardens alongside a modern playground. The project aims to develop essential infrastructure, including lighting, irrigation systems, pathways, benches, pergolas, and a pond, enhancing the garden’s functionality and appeal.
Visitors will gain insights into the role of plants in human life and learn about their evolutionary history. This space is designed to serve as both an educational center for students and a recreational hub for locals and tourists. The old metal playground will be replaced with a safe and modern facility, aligning with the garden’s renewed purpose.
According to Koryun Khachatryan, the foundation’s executive director, this project is a testament to the importance of giving back to the community. He emphasized that the initiative also honors Tania Shishmanyan’s legacy, celebrating her dedication to volunteering and her love for nature.
The project was designed by SP2 Design Studio and executed by Garden Service LLC. It represents a significant step toward restoring Yerevan Botanical Garden as a key educational and recreational institution.
By integrating environmental, educational, and community values, this initiative aims to preserve and enhance Yerevan’s natural spaces for future generations. For further information, contact [email protected] or call (+374) 41 300324.