Robots created by the Chinese company Ex-Robots are difficult to distinguish from humans: they have visible veins on the outside and lines on their palms. They can mimic human facial expressions and emotions – something that is revolutionary in the history of robotics.
These robots are displayed at the “Future Science and Technology” (EX Future Science and Technology) Museum in Dalian City, Liaoning Province, China.
Entering the museum gives you chills: all those science fiction movies where robots with acquired intelligence are no longer controllable and safe come to mind at lightning speed. After all, in front of you is an “army” of dozens of robots with different skin colors and faces expressing different emotions. For now, the museum’s robots can only mimic simple human movements, facial expressions, and answer questions.
Some of the museum’s robots are robot replicas of famous people in science, history, literature, technology, and other fields, while others are female robots with model-like appearances, which can almost always be seen during various expos held in China.
They can answer questions through artificial intelligence. At Ex-Robots, they believe that one day such robots could work as teachers, nannies, for example, take care of lonely elderly people, look after children, help housewives with housework. For now, the robots are only for display.
It takes the company two weeks to one month to create one such robot, costing 1.5 to 2 million Chinese yuan, which is equivalent to 200-280 thousand US dollars.